Cryosurgical Device – Cryo-S Electric II ®

CryoFlex’s is the designer and manufacturer of Cryosurgery Devices. The Cryosurgery Devices are again of 4 ranges namely Cryo-S Electric II ®, Cryo-S Classic ®, Cryo-S Painless ® and Cryo-S Mini ®. Cryo-S Electric II ® is a modern, next generation cryosurgical device which is used in the surgery. It is controlled by a microprocessor and all the factors are displayed

Is Your Healthcare Employee Turnover Healthy (Or Too High)?

In the past few years, national unemployment rates have slowed, while turnover rates are on the rise. That means that doctors, nurses, and other medical service providers have options about where they work; if they’re not satisfied with their current organization, it’s relatively easy to find a new job. According to data from CompData Surveys,

Laboratory Equipment – Automatic Weather Station

Kaizen Imperial’s is the manufacturer and supplier of Automatic Weather Station. The Automatic Weather Station is used transmit meteorological information and measure biometric pressure, ambient pressure, humidity, etc. This contemporary Automatic Weather Station consists of barometer, advanced thermometer and different sensors which respond to changing meteorological factors. It can be used in meteorological research, waste

What is Ultra Low Freezer in Hospital Industry?

Accurate Scientific Instruments’s manufactures equipments needed by blood banks, hospitals, research centers, pharmaceutical industries and clinical laboratories. One among them is the Ultra Low Freezer. The freezer has been specially designed for industrial applications, blood banks, biological and research laboratories. They are present in vertical and horizontal models. It even has high technology cooling system

What is OR Equipment Integra’s use in Hospitals?

ALVO Medical’s has been provider of latest innovations and solutions to the hospitals. And one among them is ALVO Integra. ALVO Integra allows the combination of medical equipments and devices in the operating room. These equipments are wireless and touch screen which is very simple and clear. The system transmits and distributes video signals and it can